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Life Skills

These resources focus on empowering students to become confident citizens making good choices for themselves.


AMAZE harnesses the power of digital media to provide children and adolescents around the globe with medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education they can access directly online—regardless of where they live or what school they attend. The organization offers real information in fun, animated videos that give youth the answers they seek about sex, body and relationships.

American Association of University Women (AAUW) / Gender Bias

AAUW addresses attitudes and expectations about how girls and boys perform academically - and behave socially - push children toward certain pathways. Resources include preschool and elementary years, girls and mental health, and issues affecting female students of color.

Character Lab

Character Lab connects researches with educators to create greater knowledge about conditions that lead to social, emotional, academic and physical well-being for young people. Resources include 60 second tips and guides to cultivate strengths of heart, mind, and will.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

The CASEL mission is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school. The organization focuses on self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making for students. By using research, practices, policy, and collaboration, CASEL supports educators and policy leaders.

Dating Matters

Dating Matters can stop teen dating violence before it starts. It includes prevention strategies for peers, families, schools and neighborhoods. Evidence-based. Low cost. Inclusive. CDC Program of Veto Violence.

Engineer Girl

Engineer Girl is a service of the National Academy of Engineering. This website is designed to offer opportunities to girls and women in the field of engineering.

KidSafe Foundation

KidSafe provides preventive education to children and adults that empowers them with skills that create a safe society free from sexual abuse, bullying and internet exploitation. The nonprofit offers parent seminars; programs for pre-k, elementary, and middle schools; plus educational videos, books and blogs.

Lessons from Literature

Lessons From Literature is a free online resource developed by Futures Without Violence. It gives English teachers a framework to use novels, poems, plays and stories they are already teaching to help students build healthy nonviolent relationships


MindUP is a not-for-profit organization created in response t0 the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety , depression and suicide. Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP gives children the knowledge and tools to manage stress with optimism, resilience and compassion.

Morningside Center

Morningside Center envisions a society where people are active participants in creating a culture of liberation, healing, and deep connection to community, the natural environment, and the world.

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles is a nonprofit education publisher that provides free life skills curriculum materials to educators worldwide. Their mission is to ensure all children learn the life skills they need to achieve success. The curriculum materials focus on communication, decision making and goal setting. The organization uses a modular format that can be used to fit classroom needs.

Planet Word Museum

Planet Word Museum explores how language is used, rather than dictate how it should be used. It is a fun and educational museum with the mission to inspire and renew a love of words, language, and reading in people of all ages. Through unique, immersive learning experiences, they provide a space to explore words that is grounded in a solid understanding of language arts and science. Free resources are available to educators to help students understand the power of words.

Pop Culture Hero Coalition

This Coalition works to educate and support children, teens and adults to overcome bullying and social injustice, and to transform their struggles into strengths.

Protect Young Eyes

Protect Young Eyes defends kids and teens from the dangers lurking on internet-ready devices through research and tools for parents. Resources include guidelines for echo, google, smart TVs and more.

Safe Schools Safe Libraries

Safe Schools Safe Libraries is protecting children from pornography and exploitation in our schools and libraries. Learn how to protect computers, WIFI filters, online school databases, iPads and laptops. Send information to local parent teacher associations via ready-to-use guides. This is a program of End Sexual Exploitation organization.


SafeBAE is a survivor-founded, youth-lead national organization whose mission is to end sexual assault among middle and high school students. It is a national peer-to-peer organization that helps promote culture change by giving teens the tools to become activists and shift school culture through raising awareness about dating violence, sexual harassment and assault, affirmative consent, safe bystander intervention, survivor care, and their rights under Title IX.

Stop Sexual Assault in Schools (SSAIS)

The mission of Stop Sexual Assault in Schools (SSAIS) is: to educate students, families, and schools about the right to an equal education free from sexual harassment; address the epidemic of traumatic sexual harassment impacting our nation’s students; provide students, K-12 schools, and organizations resources so that the right to an equal education is not compromised by sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender discrimination.

Teaching Empathy Institute

Teaching Empathy Institute works to establish emotionally and physically safe learning communities for elementary, middle school and high school students and the adults who work with them. TEI emphasizes life-skills development. Students learn to manage emotions successfully during stressful and difficult times.

Learning for Justice

Learning for Justice program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias based on social justice standards of identity, diversity, justice and action. The program helps teachers educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy.

UN Women / Voices Against Violence

Voice Against Violence provides young people with tools and expertise to understand the root causes of violence in their communities, to educate and involve their peers and communities to prevent such violence. The curriculum includes a handbook for peer educators for age-appropriate sessions and non-formal educational activities.

Wallace Foundation

Wallace fosters improvements in learning and enrichment for disadvantaged children and the vitality of the arts for everyone. The organization identifies important problems, funds real-world tests of possible solutions and disseminates what’s been learned nationally to inform field leaders, policymakers and others who can effect beneficial change.​ It offers free reports, videos, tools, infographics and other material about school leadership, the arts, learning enrichment and more.

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society. The Center conducts research and teaches people of all ages how to develop their emotional intelligence. Emotions drive learning, decision-making, creativity, relationships, and health.